Shala Mandala

At the foot of the Sila National Park, a few kilometers away from the Isola Capo Rizzuto Marine Reserve on a property of 25,000 square meters, the Shala Mandala is a place for the practice of yoga and meditation, inside Borgo Degli Ulivi Resort, a touristic place immersed in an olive garden facing the Mediterranean Sea, on the south-east coast of Southern Italy.

Surrounded by lush maritime pines, olive groves, and eucalyptus trees that overlook the local beach (about 200 meters) and the crystalline Ionian, the center has two yoga and meditation rooms with wooden floors;

We welcome individuals, and families with children to stay with us and practice in our space immerse in nature and enjoy the tranquility of the surrounding area without sacrificing comfort and well-being. 










“A retreat should always be in our lives, in our hearts.
Even if you go for on retreat with your body, the mind should always be in retreat, so that you can practice each moment in your life.”

~ Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche

Chanting with Lakshmisha Bhat 

9:00 am Rome, Italy Time zone

2:00 pm Mysore, India Time zone


Born into a humble Brahmin family in a village called Madageri near Gokarna, Lakshmisha Bhat has been associated with Guruji Sharath Jois for two decades. Keen on learning astānga yoga, Lakshmisha undertook yoga asāna practice under Guruji Sharath Jois. In the meantime, he also received the Vidwan title from the Sanskrit College in Advaita Vedanta philosophy and completed his Master’s Degree in Sanskrit from Mysore University in 2006. Upon Guruji Sharath Jois’s request that Lakshmisha start teaching Sanskrit and yoga-related theory to the increasing number of yoga students who come to KPJAYI for yogic knowledge, Lakshmisha joined the Shala as a teacher of Sanskrit, chanting, and yoga-related theory in the year 2003. Lakshmisha has so far taught hundreds of yoga aspirants. He believes yoga is incomplete without the right understanding of the theory and strives to impart that knowledge to everyone who comes seeking it.

ASTĀNGA YOGA WEEK – 21st to 28th – JUNE 

One week of Astānga Mysore style starting at 7:00 am. Simona will guide you every morning from Sunday till Saturday 

We meet every afternoon to explore the philosophical and practical subjects of Ashtanga yoga at 5 pm.
On the 21st of June, we will celebrate International YOGA DAY together at the Shala Mandala at 5:00 pm

September 6th to 13th – Ashtanga Yoga with Mira and Brett

With evening meditation and chanting led by Zofia. Daily Mysore starts at 7:00 am Afternoon/Evening: Meditation and chanting with Zofia.

Friday afternoon: Meditation and Satsang with Zofia, focusing on integrating yoga practice into daily life, followed by a Q&A with all teachers. Brett and Mira will discuss the traditional method of Astanga yoga with the students;


ASTĀNGA RETREAT 15th to 22nd – JUNE 2024

A week of asana and talk about the eight limbs/paths of Astanga yoga and how to apply them in our daily Lives.

During the week of Astānga Yoga at Shala Mandala Simona will guide us every morning with the Mysore practice starting from 7:00 am for 5 days and a guided class of the first series on the 6th day. We meet with Simona every afternoon a week for a Satsang with philosophical and practical ideas: Astāngayogah and the eight limbs.

For more information, please email



Welcome to Susanna’s Retreat 2023.

Classes start on Saturday and end on Friday; On Saturday 17th there are only check-in arrivals after 16:00 and on the 24th the check-out is before 11:00 am (you can arrive early and leave as late as you wish); During the week of Astānga Yoga at Shala Mandala:

Susanna will guide us every morning from Sunday with the Mysore practice starting at 7:00 am for 5 days and a guided class of the first series, on Friday.
We meet three afternoons a week for a Satsang with Susanna to explore philosophical and practical subjects.
On 21 JUNE for those enrolled in the retreat, we will celebrate International YOGA DAY together with the participation of
Simona Nucera and LakshmishaJi Bhat via Zoom.
For more info, please send an email to


Classes start on Saturday and end on Friday 
On Saturday there are only check-in arrivals after 16:00 and check-out before 11:00 am (you can arrive early and leave late as you wish);
During the week of Astānga Yoga at Shala Mandala:
Susanna will guide us every morning from Sunday with the Mysore practice starting at 7:00 am for 5 days and a guided class of the first series, on Friday.
We meet three afternoons a week for a Satsang with Susanna to explore philosophical and practical subjects.
On 21 JUNE for those enrolled in the retreat, we will celebrate INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY together with the participation of
Simona Nucera and LakshmishaJi Bhat via Zoom. It will be a day with many surprises.

January 2021 – Mysore’s days

Sunday 23rd of January we meet again online for a guided class with subsequent dialogue on the Mysore method. Susanna Finocchi will guide us at 7:30 am with the guided class and a discussion with Simona Nucera will follow at 9:00 am on the history and development of the MYSORE method in India and in the world.

December 2021 – Astānga Yoga and उपेक्षा Upeksa – Equanimity

Wednesday 8 December at 7:30 am CET online on Zoom
7:30 am astānga Led primary series
9:00 am chat and chai:

“As long as we continue to see ourselves as those we love and the other as the one who is loved, as long as we consider ourselves more than others or see ourselves as different from others, we will not have true serenity. We have to put ourselves “in the other person’s skin”
and become with each other if we want to understand and truly love. When this happens there will be no difference between “I” and “other”

With Susanna Finocchi and Simona Nucera
we will give a lesson on the topic of Upeksa – the perfect virtue of equanimity.

May 2021 – Astānga Yoga and Buddhism

30th of May at 7:30 am Primary Led class, chanting and satsāng about the 4th Noble Truth
Intro to the class:
“Of the thousands of Buddhas of this age, it is said that Buddha Shakyamuni was the one who had the greatest aspirations. For when the others conceived the wish to be enlightened for the sake of beings, they aspired to Buddhafields, longevity, etc. But the Buddha Shakyamuni prayed to be reborn in degenerate times when it would be difficult to teach beings afflicted by disease, famine, and war.
He took birth in this realm knowingly, praying that whoever heard his name or his teachings might straight- away be set upon the path of liberation.
That is why, with his armorlike aspirations and endeavor, the Buddha Shakyamuni is without equal and is praised as a white lotus among the thousand Buddhas of this fortunate Kalpa.”
Saga Dawa (the month of Vaishakh, according to the Indian calendar) is the fourth month of the Tibetan lunar calendar. It is considered to be the most important month of the year for practice since Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana all fall within this period (according to Tibetan tradition).
Susanna Finocchi and Acharya from BHU University and Sampurnananda University in Varanasi, Kedar Prado

 April 2021 – Ramayana

25th of April at 7:30 am Primary Led class, chanting and satsāng about the Ramayana , one of the Great Epic Poems of India; attributed to the sage Valmiki, the Ramayana recounts the life and exploits of lord Rama.
This story, so rich with spiritual meaning, has been told and retold through the ages by Saints, poets, scholars, and common folk.
Rama is seen as the embodiment of dharma and is the object of great devotion. He is the central character with his wife, Sita. Hanuman is a warrior, a semi-divine mythological race of monkeys devoted to God in the form of Rama. Son of the Wind, he performs many acts of courage and daring in defence of his Master, Lord Rama. He is a symbol of perfection devotion, surrender, and courage.

Susanna Finocchi, Astanga class; Lakshmisha Bhat, Philosophy and chanting; Host: Simona Nucera

March 2021 – MahaShivratri

14th of March at 7:30 am Primary Led class, chanting and satsāng about Siva the Supreme Being. He is the Adi-Guru, the primordial Guru. He is the universal Consciousness that pervades all creation, dwelling within everyone and everything. Through his grace, we can recognize him—Paramashiva, Supreme Shiva—as our innermost Self.

Susanna Finocchi, Astanga class; Lakshmisha Bhat, Philosophy and chanting; Host: Simona Nucera


 February 2021 – Free Max Lapshin

6th of February at 2:00 am  Primary Led class, chanting and satsāng 


Lakshmisha Bhat, Susanna Finocchi, Dylan Bernstein, Ethan Ward, Max Pascal, Robin Ward, Anna Yang, Simona Nucera; Class fee: Any donations, starting from 15 €, are welcome. Access code: To receive the code to join the event, please message the screenshot of the payment to Host: Simona Nucera

January 2021 – Sūrya Namaskāra

3rd of January at 7:30 am  Primary Led class, chanting ādityahṛdayaṃ and satsāng about Sūrya Namaskāra with

Susanna Finocchi, Astanga class; Lakshmisha Bhat, Philosophy and chanting; Host: Simona Nucera


December 2020 – The Season of Giving

20th of December at 7:30 am  Primary Led class, chanting and satsāng about Karūna (compassion) with

Susanna Finocchi, Astanga class; Lakshmisha Bhat, Philosophy and chanting; Host: Simona Nucera

November 2020 – Shubha Deepāvali

Diipāvali celebrates the inner light – the light of the Self that illuminates the whole creation. From New Zealand passing through India arriving in Rome continuing in your homes, we will share the practice of astānga yoga and chanting with our global community.

Susanna Finocchi, Astanga class; Lakshmisha Bhat, Philosophy and chanting; Host: Simona Nucera

August 2020 – Astānga Yoga Week

Welcome to the first Astānga Yoga Week in Italy with Gabriele Severini, Susanna Finocchi and Elena De Martin. We are offering a week of asāna practice, philosophy and chanting from the 23rd till the 30th of August.

July 2020
GURU PURNIMA – Honoring the Gurus

Full moon day during Ashadha month is known as Guru Purnima day. Traditionally this day is reserved for Guru Puja or Guru Worship.
On this day disciples offer Puja or pay respect to their Gurus.
Guru refers to a spiritual guide who enlightens disciples with his/her knowledge and teachings. Sharathji will give a Led-class on the 4th of July (please check Miami Life Center) and here is the program for the 5th of July: Chanting, philosophy, traditions and talk about the Gurus.

June 2020
International Yoga Day

We are delighted to announce that Gabriele, Susanna and Elena,
will alternate in the primary-led class with the count of the vinyasa in Sanskrit.
They will continue with a speech on yoga in which the three teachers will address different topics on astānga.


September 2019 – Astānga Retreat with Susanna Finocchi

Susanna will guide us every morning with the Mysore practice starting at 7:00 for 5 days and a guided class of the first series on Saturday.

MONDAY / WEDNESDAY / FRIDAY from 5:00 till 7:00 pm
Yoga Philosophy: The 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga;
Introduction to the pronunciation and meaning of the Sanskrit mantras, opening invocation and closing Mantra, Shanti Mantra, Ganesh Japa;

October 2018 – Retreat with Prof. Hareesh Wallis

Hareesh is the author of Tantra Illuminated: The Philosophy, History, and Practice of a Timeless Tradition and The Recognition Sutras: Illuminating a 1,000-year-old Spiritual Masterpiece.

July and August 2018 – Elena De Martin

Astānga Summer Course

Daily Mysore classes from Monday till Friday at 8:00 am.

Led Class Primary every Saturday.

July and June 2017 – Ken The Rolfer – Mysore classes

Daily Mysore classes from Monday till Friday at 8:00 am.

Led Class Primary every Saturday.


Nov- Dec 2017 Vipassana Meditation by the Italian Vipassana Association

Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation. It was rediscovered by Gotama Buddha more than 2500 years ago and was taught by him as a universal remedy for universal ills, i.e., an Art Of Living. This non-sectarian technique aims for the total eradication of mental impurities and the resultant highest happiness of full liberation. Vipassana is a way of self-transformation through self-observation. It focuses on the deep interconnection between mind and body, which can be experienced directly by disciplined attention to the physical sensations that form the life of the body, and that continuously interconnect and condition the life of the mind. It is this observation-based, self-exploratory journey to the common root of mind and body that dissolves mental impurity, resulting in a balanced mind full of love and compassion.The scientific laws that operate one’s thoughts, feelings, judgements and sensations become clear. Through direct experience, the nature of how one grows or regresses, how one produces suffering or frees oneself from suffering is understood. Life becomes characterized by increased awareness, non-delusion, self-control and peace.

The Tradition

Since the time of Buddha, Vipassana has been handed down, to the present day, by an unbroken chain of teachers. Although Indian by descent, the current teacher in this chain, Mr. S.N. Goenka, was born and raised in Burma (Myanmar). While living there he had the good fortune to learn Vipassana from his teacher, Sayagyi U Ba Khin who was at the time a high Government official. After receiving training from his teacher for fourteen years, Mr. Goenka settled in India and began teaching Vipassana in 1969. Since then he has taught tens of thousands of people of all races and all religions in both the East and West. In 1982 he began to appoint assistant teachers to help him meet the growing demand for Vipassana courses.






































“There is a small box sitting here – pointing to his heart –  In that box is sitting Atman. Turn your attention here.  That is YOGA”

Sri Pattabhi Jois

Aṣṭāṅga Yoga 

I am a dedicated Astānga Yoga practitioner under the lineage of Sri Krishnamacharya.

I started my journey in Aṣṭāṅga in 2012 in Bali by chance in a workshop with Anthony Carlisi and Denny Paradise.
I liked the practice right away so when I moved back to London for work I was surprised to find that my house was right next to Hamish Hendry’s Dharma Shala which I consider my first teacher in this lineage. 

Since 2012 I have been practicing daily Astānga Yoga in a Mysore program with Hamish Hendry first and then in Los Angeles with Noah Williams, both of whom have received an Advanced Teaching Certification from Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, the Guru of Astanga Yoga, Mysore style.

In 2016 I moved back to India to study for 6/9 months a year and since then I have been practicing under the guidance of Guruji Sharath Jois in Mysore at KPJAYI and SYC, I also have followed his workshops and teaching in Himalaya, Europe, and UK, Thailand, and China and the USA. 

When I am not in Mysore I practice with Sharmila Desai seasonally – a certified teacher and author of the book Yoga Sadhana for mothers – delving into Aṣṭāṅga yoga with a female approach.

Aṣṭāṅga Yoga –  sharing the practice with others

I have been teaching yoga in my hometown in Calabria since 2009 and, in 2016 I opened a Summer Mysore program supported by Level 2 Authorized Teachers who came to teach at Shala Mandala: Susanna Finocchi, Elena De Martin, Ken De Rolfer, Gabriele Severnini.

In 2019 I was authorized to teach the method by my Guru Sharath Jois consequentially assisted him in the Shala. In 2020 I practised and assisted my teacher Peter Sanson in in Napier and I taught in Queenstown New Zealand until 2022.

My path in the practice of Aṣṭāṅga has been a path dictated by inner and spiritual research. We come to the practice in silence, accompanied by breathing, and in the same way, we learn, in silence. I have received this knowledge through the sheer generosity of my teachers and Guru, for this reason, Shala Mandala does not look for notoriety so the “ratio” here is to deepen our sadhana, through concentration, dedication, and devotion, not only to be focused on fast learning, asana – adjustments.

Hare Om


Aṣṭāṅga Yoga 2025: Every Summer Season we welcome practitioners of all stages of life and practice including families with kids and beginners. We try hard to ensure that everyone who comes to practice with us feels welcome and comfortable.

Class Time:  From June to the end of August, the Shala doors open from Monday to Saturday from 7:00 am to 10:00 am (latest arrival 8.45 am). Practitioners are required to start on a Monday and finish on Saturday. The opening chanting begins around 7:00 am. Sunday is a family day for us so the Shala will be closed. 

Aṣṭāṅga Yoga – The Lineage

“Anyone can practice. The young man can practice. The old man can practice. A very old man can practice. The man who is sick, he can practice. A man who doesn’t have strength can practice. Except for lazy people; lazy people can’t practice Astānga yoga” KPJ

The Astānga Yoga method is a living tradition with the relationship between teacher and student at the epicenter of its transmission going back over 5,000 years. At the root, it is a spiritual practice that purifies the heart, body, and mind, illuminating one’s divine nature.

In modern times Astānga Yoga is linked to the late yoga master Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, otherwise known as Guruji (1915 – 2009), who passionately spread the beauty of the practice to countless people all over the world, following the teaching of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya  (1888 – 1989) yoga teacher, Ayurveda healer and scholar referred to as “the father of modern yoga”

Now his teachings are reverently carried forward by his daughter Sri Saraswati Jois and his grandson Sri Sharath R Jois, Director of Sharath Yoga Centre and before KPJAYI.

YATRA 2018: Pujia at Kalimath Mandir, Uttarakhand, with SharathJi

Mā darshan at Kedarnath, with beloved SharathJi and ShruthiJi

KPJAYI Mysore, India.

Aṣṭāṅga Yoga- The Practice

Vinyasa: Vinyasa means breathing and movement system. For each movement, there is one breath. For example, in Surya Namaskar there are nine vinyasas. The first vinyasa is inhaling while raising your arms over your head, and putting your hands together; the second is exhaling while bending forward, placing your hands next to your feet, etc. In this way, all asanas are assigned a certain number of vinyasas. The purpose of vinyasa is for internal cleansing. Breathing and moving together while performing asanas makes the blood hot, or as Pattabhi Jois says, “boils the blood”.

This blood is dirty and causes disease in the body. The heat created from yoga cleans the blood and makes it thin, so that it may circulate freely. The combination of the asanas with movement and breath makes the blood circulate freely around all the joints, taking away body pains. When there is a lack of circulation, pain occurs. The heated blood also moves through all the internal organs removing impurities and disease, which are brought out of the body by the sweat that occurs during practice.

Sweat is an important by-product of vinyasa because it is only through sweat that disease leaves the body and purification occurs. If the method of vinyasa is followed, the body becomes healthy and strong. After the body is purified, it is possible to purify the nervous system, and then the sense organs. These first steps are very difficult and require many years of practice. The sense organs are always looking outside, and the body is always giving in to laziness. However, through determination and diligent practice, these can be controlled. After this is accomplished, mind control comes automatically. Vinyasa creates the foundation for this to occur.

Tristhana: This means the three places of attention or action: posture, breathing system, and looking place. These three are very important for yoga practice and cover three levels of purification: the body, the nervous system, and the mind. They are always performed in conjunction with each other. Asanas purify, strengthen, and give flexibility to the body. Breathing is rechaka and puraka, which means to inhale and exhale.

Both the inhale and exhale should be steady and even, the length of the inhale should be the same as the exhale. Breathing in this manner purifies the nervous system. Dristhi is the place where you look while in the asana. Dristhi purifies and stabilizes the functioning of the mind. For cleaning the body internally two factors are necessary, air and fire. The place of fire in our bodies is four inches below the navel. This is the standing place of our life force. For fire to burn, air is necessary, hence the necessity of the breath.

The same method stands for breath. Long even breaths will strengthen our internal fire, increasing heat in the body which in turn heats the blood for physical purification, and burns away impurities in the nervous system as well. Long even breathing increases the internal fire and strengthens the nervous system in a controlled manner and at an even pace.

When this fire is strengthened, our digestion, health, and lifespan all increase. Uneven inhalation and exhalation, or breathing too rapidly, will imbalance the beating of the heart, throwing off both the physical body and the autonomic nervous system. An important component of the breathing system is mula and uddiyana bandha.

These are the anal and lower abdominal locks which seal in energy, give lightness, strength, and health to the body, and help to build a strong internal fire. Without bandhas, breathing will not be correct, and the asanas will give no benefit. When mula bandha is perfect, mind control is automatic.

The six poisons: A vital aspect of internal purification that Pattabhi Jois teaches relates to the six poisons that surround the spiritual heart. In the yoga shastra it is said that God dwells in our heart in the form of light, but this light is covered by six poisons: kama, krodha, moha, lobha, matsarya, and mada. These are desire, anger, delusion, greed, envy and sloth. When yoga practice is sustained with great diligence and dedication over a long period, the heat generated from it burns away these poisons, and the light of our inner nature shines forth.

“Infinite gratitude to our beloved Guru for His constant dedication, discipline, devotion, and determination.”

Shala etiquette and information


We teach in a traditional style which means that usually, we will be giving physical, hands-on adjustments. Whilst we try to ensure that these are beneficial and safe we recognize that some people will still prefer not to be adjusted. We want to assure anyone who comes to our Shala that they are free to say no to adjustments at any time and we will respect your wishes and will not ask you to explain your reasons.

Please arrive on time. Please be respectful of Shala closing times; Turn your phone off or on to silent;

Please consider your hygiene and also limit the use of strong deodorants, perfumes;

Please wash both your cotton yoga mat and your yoga mat regularly;

Try and be respectful of other students and the space they are practicing keep conversation to a minimum;

Please inform the teacher in full confidence of any injuries, operations, pregnancy or such like; Please keep any warm-up to a minimum;

The practice is taught in a traditional style so please try to avoid modification/use of props etc. or deviating from the sequence;

Do not eat a meal for 2-3 hours before attending class;

Try not to eat or drink for 20-40 minutes after class;

Recycling and limiting plastic containers on the property;

A strong asana practice should always be accompanied by occasional rest and time; Self-study like reading, meditation, and chanting.

Price per month

Weekday morning and evening classes
Payable on the 1st of each month of a yoga practice.
6 days per 4 weeks = 120.00 euro
4 days per 4 weeks = 100.00 euro
3 days per 4 weeks = 80.00 euro
2 days per 4 weeks = 60.00 euro

Weekday drop-in

Single class = 15.00

In case someone is unable to pay the amount, please email

The knowledge you will find here is priceless. No money in the world could match its value. The people who teach here have received this knowledge through the sheer generosity of their teachers.

We believe that Yoga is being monetized, “sold” and misappropriated, and this is in line with our philosophy of not joining this unfortunate movement. The fees we ask are used to pay for our training in India and out-of-pocket expenses, but they also serve to give the possibility to those who cannot pay for the classes to be able to participate.



























“We must begin our practice by walking the narrow path of simplicity, the Hinayana path, before we can walk upon the open highway of compassionate action, the Mahayana path.”

Chögyam Trungpa

The love for ecology and sustainability of the planet has prompted us to install eco–friendly and innovative technology, such as solar and photo voltaic panels, and the collection and reuse of rainwater to irrigate a natural pond.

Hotel’s bedrooms:  simple furniture made of local wood and design, our furnished rooms, are all equipped with air conditioning, fridge, TV, and hairdryer. Those on the ground floor are equipped with a veranda with a table and chairs. All the rooms have a private bathroom with a shower and bidet;

Rooms for 1 or 2 persons with double bed (possible to add the 3rd bedroom If a kid) or twin bed on request;


Double Room for 3 or 4 persons with a double bed in the main room and two single beds in the living area; The double bed can be used as a twin bed.


Apartments: all apartments are furnished with air conditioning, a cooking area, and fridge, a TV, and private services with a shower box. They also have an outer veranda equipped with a table and chairs. All the apartments have a private bathroom with shower and bidet;


Mobile Home in front of the beach

We have a mobile home in front of the beach and the Pinewood area, just next to the Astānga Yoga Shala.

The mobile homes are cozy, with AC, two bedrooms, and one bathroom with shower and hot water.  A kitchen with a table and chairs and a veranda.


Services and facilities: Reception at pre-set timetables, an air-conditioned restaurant, wireless access close to the reception area;

Wellness Center (Sauna, Massage, steam bath– services not included in the rates) multi-purpose play court (tennis, volleyball, five-a-side football, basket) 

swimming pool featuring three water tanks (hydro massage, children’s pool, and adults’ pool) 

and solarium

We are a family-oriented community and we support kids to practice and play

We have created a children’s playground and a small kindergarten;

We have an amphitheater-shaped entertainment area, that can be used, for dance, concerts, and parties, and free bikes for hire to visit the area;

WE LOVE ANIMALS and we have created a small area for the dogs to play;

Blue Flag Beach since 2018!

The blue flag is a certification by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)  that a beachmarina,

 or sustainable boating tourism operator meets its stringent standards.

FEE’s Blue Flag criteria include standards for water quality, safety, environmental education and information, the provision of services and general environmental management criteria. The Blue Flag is sought for beaches, marinas and sustainable boating tourism operators as an indication of their high environmental and quality standards.

We have a beach service with umbrellas, sunbeds, and deckchairs;






Greeter Grece or Magna Graecia was the name given by the Romans to the coastal areas of Southern Italy were extensively populated by Greek who began arriving in the 8th century BC brought with them their Hellenic civilization, which was to leave a lasting imprint on Italy, such as in the culture of ancient Rome.

Location: On Jonica Coast, 60 Kms from Lamezia Terme International Airport At 39 Km from Crotone Airport, 5 Km from Cropani Train Station.

How to reach us: Shuttle service from and to Calabria’s railway stations and airports upon request with our Mercedes class V vehicle.


only 20/30 minute from us: Isola Capo Rizzuto e Le Castella

(here what The New York Times says about the food and the area..)

only 20 minute from us: Sila National Park  – The biggest Canyon in Europe

only 50 minutes from us : Santa Severina old town and Castle;geo=1059398&detail=1059398&aggregationId=101

only 1 hour and 40 minutes:  Tropea  and Pizzo Calabro

only 1 hour and 40 minutes from us: Eolian Island Sailing Tour:
Volcano Stromboli (by boat from Tropea port )
only 1 hour and 40 minutes from us: Scilla and Chianalea fisherman villages
only 1 hour and 50 minutes from us: Museum of Reggio Calabria: one the most important Archeological Museums in Italy